Saturday, May 26, 2012

Letter from Camilo Alberto

Oh how I LOVE letters with photos of children with the gifts they've purchased with the money I send.  It's not the things that are so important, but that look that lets me know I have helped that child to feel treasured and worthy.

This is Camilo Alberto (he sometimes uses "Camilo" when he writes, sometimes "Alberto") from Colombia.  His birthday was at the end of March, and he wrote to me on that day. He was very happy to be 8 years old.  :)

In the photo, he's holding shoes, a shirt, and socks that he purchased with the gift I sent.  I wish the photo were in color because those shoes look quite spiffy.

Camilo is a very special boy.  Even though he just turned 8, he has been writing his own letters for a few months, and he writes very well.  His letters are quite long for one so young.

Camilo has a very sweet heart.  He calls me "my dear Mindi"--"Mi querida Mindi"--and says he wants to share John 3:16 with me where God expressed His love for us through the sacrifice of His son for us.  He tells me what he does at the Compassion project, what he eats there, and that the person he likes best there is his tutor Adriana because she teaches them many things.  He thanks me for being so nice to him.  (That melts my heart.)

At the end of his letter, he asks me to pray for him and his family and says that he will pray that God guides my every step.  He seems much older than 8.

Camilo had been waiting over 6 months when I chose to sponsor him.  That was before Compassion posted the exact number of days, so I'm not sure exactly how long this sweet, special boy had to wait, and although I am not happy that he had to wait, I am thankful that God kept him for me because he is a blessing.

He also draws very well.  Below is the drawing he sent with this letter.  The front of the building says "la iglesia"--church.  I'm assuming that's his family going to church.  How awesome to see that this little boy has such a heart for God already.  

I see a visit to Colombia in my future.  :)

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Today I rode my bike (in spite of the stress fracture in my foot) for the first time in months.  These are the things that I learned or were affirmed to me.

  1. I LOVE riding my bike--such a feeling of freedom.  (affirmed)
  2. Over the winter, the padding in my helmet has disintegrated.  (learned)  I really don't feel like spending money on myself.
  3. Little kids don't watch where they're going when they ride their bikes.  (affirmed)
  4. Cars are dangerous even when I'm on a bike path or service road.  (affirmed)
  5. My foot hurts when I ride.  (learned)
  6. I am grossly out of shape.  (affirmed)

At this point, I have no idea how to connect this to Compassion, but maybe it will lead to something.  I know I was really, really happy to be on my bike even though I rode slowly and was very cautious because of my injury.